more fulfillment

less effort


The Purpose of a Space Matters best of personal growth purpose tl;dr values Oct 05, 2021

Equal parts serendipity and determination recently brought me the enviable gift of two weeks in Greece. I have wanted to visit the birthplace of western democracy, philosophy, and theatre for decades; I also desperately needed a vacation—a...

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Enough, already! best of failure limiting beliefs personal growth May 29, 2021


Part 2 of the Limiting Belief Dirty Laundry Series

For the majority of my life I have believed that I am inherently flawed in two vital ways—I am not an “athlete” and I am not a “morning person.” More...

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What is holding you back? best of clarity limiting beliefs personal growth May 09, 2021

Perhaps you’ve had this experience as well…

You are kvetching to your partner/bestie/anyone who will listen. You are knee-deep in explaining why the other person in the story is at fault. You are describing who they are and what...

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My Year of Discernment (AKA why I side-hustle) best of discernment personal growth thriving Feb 24, 2021

We’ve been spending our time here on Press Release, digging into the question of the month, musing on time spent as a reflection of our values, and learning how to be a star not a blob. But I want to pause on all of that for a minute and...

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Do You Love It Enough To Be Bad At It? best of failure stuff my coach taught me Jan 12, 2021

Like most human beings, the mere thought of failing, especially publicly, at something I care about makes my muscles tense up and my TMJ spring into action.  Bracing for physical or emotional threat is a survival instinct, after all. ...

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