Equal parts serendipity and determination recently brought me the enviable gift of two weeks in Greece. I have wanted to visit the birthplace of western democracy, philosophy, and theatre for decades; I also desperately needed a vacation—a...
Guest Post by Renée Cramer
When I left my first tenure-track job, my department chair reassured me that he had seen the moving coming. “Of course you’re moving on. You’re ambitious,” he said,...
By guest author Renée Cramer
Play with me for a moment, please:
Imagine that you’re standing on a bosu ball, on one leg, while juggling flaming batons.
Imagine that you are an elephant expected to sit precariously on the tiniest of...
Not surprisingly, a good percentage of my clients are academics. I came up through academia and my day job is in academic administration. Higher education has been good for me and good to me, and I marvel every day at the kind of work my...
Guest Writer: Caroline J. Simon
A story often wanders into my life just when I need it. I first encountered Isak Dinesen’s Babette’s Feast as an audiobook I was playing while I drove across the country to begin a new job. I had a lot...
Let’s get a little existential on Press Release this month, shall we?!
Why am I here?
What am I doing?
Why does it matter?
What is my purpose?
What is the point of it all?
Human beings have been asking these questions for eons in all areas of...